Dr. Mora, a highly regarded Orthopaedic Surgeon in Orange County California. He is regarded as one of the top specialists in the world specializing in pectoralis major tendon tear reconstruction. He specializes in repairing ultra-chronic pectoralis major tears, including cases considered untreatable by other surgeons. As the pioneer of the PecFlexFix™️ grafting technique, he restores both chest function and aesthetics, offering renewed hope to patients who thought recovery was out of reach.
He is renowned for his expertise in repairing cases involving injuries over 20 years old. His exceptional skill has been sought by elite athletes, bodybuilders, and some of the strongest men in the world. Dr. Mora is proud to have successfully operated on strongman and Game of Thrones actor Hafthor Björnsson, known as The Mountain. Recognized by his peers as one of the world’s leading surgeons in pectoralis major repair, Dr. Mora continues to set the standard for complex tendon restoration.
He has numerous videos on YouTube including before and after cases.
Out of town patients Click Here to download instructions and suggestions to help you with your visit, preoperative planning, the surgery, post operative care and trip home.
No Tear is Too Old
Pectoralis Major tendon tears of the chest wall are relatively common in weight lifters. Once the pec major tendon is torn, the arm push-off strength is significantly decreased and the chest wall becomes deformed.
Older tears are technically challenging to repair. Over time, the pectoralis muscle atrophies and loses elasticity so it cannot be pulled back up. Repairing a tear greater than 6 months old is challenging, but it is possible! If you’ve been told that your pec major tear is too old to repair or you’ve been told that you have a tear at the myotendinous junction that is not repairable, reach out to me. I’ve been perfecting my Pec tear repair technique, the PecFlexFix, for 20 years, and I have successfully repaired tears that were over 10 years old.
A good result requires attention to numerous details. The reconstruction requires much more surgical time than a simple pec tear repair, requiring allograft tissue and careful muscle mobilization. A sling is used for 6 weeks.
The good news is that it is possible to improve your chest deformity and regain your strength.
Surgical goals:
- Restore strength by effectively reattaching the torn tendon/muscle back to bone with or without an allograft.
- Recreate the symmetry of the lateral chest wall by mobilizing the shrunken muscle and reconstructing the pec tendon using allograft tissue.
- Produce an aesthetic result by hiding the scar within natural skin creases and avoiding subcutaneous adhesions by using amniotic membrane.
From Injury to Recovery: Ultra-Chronic Pec Repair- Patient Testimonial
Why are PEC TEARS misdiagnosed and can OLD tears be repaired?
How is a SUPER OLD PEC Major Tear Repaired
A MUST SEE IF YOU HAVE A PEC TEAR Don’t accept that it cannot be repaired
PEC MAJOR TEARS Everything you need to know
Super Old Pec Tears Before and After PecFlexFix- No Tear is Too Old
We hope you found this information helpful. Please let us know if we can be of service.
About Dr. Mora:

Dr. Mora is a Board Certified and Fellowship trained Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgeon as well as a founding partner of the state-of-the-art Restore Orthopedics and Spine Center in Orange County, CA.
His areas of expertise include the latest innovations in surgical and non surgical techniques with a focus on joint saving procedures rather than replacement, when possible. Specific areas of interest are Sports Trauma; Knee, Elbow, and Shoulder, Arthritis; and Regenerative Medicine.
Dr. Mora's team can help coordinate out of town and international patients coming in for surgery.
He specializes in:
- Sports Injury Treatment
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction of the Knee
- Rotator Cuff Tear Repair of the Shoulder
- Arthroscopy of the Elbow
- Arthritis of the Knee
- Chronic PecTear Reconstruction (The PecFlexFix Surgeon)
- Regenerative Medicine: Bone Marrow Cells and PRP Therapy
Dr. Mora's family heritage is Peruvian and speaks fluent Spanish.
For a consult please call (714) 332-5498
Follow Dr. Mora on Instagram and YouTube
Restore Orthopedics and Spine Center
1120 W. La Veta, #300
Orange CA 92868
Office: 714.332.5498