The anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, is one of the major ligaments of the knee that is in the middle of the knee and runs from the femur (thigh bone) to the tibia (shin bone). It prevents the tibia from sliding out in front of the femur. Together with posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) it provides rotational stability to the knee. An ACL injury is a sports related injury that occur when the knee is forcefully twisted or hyperextended. An ACL tear usually occurs with an abrupt directional change with the foot fixed on the ground or when the deceleration force crosses the knee. Changing direction rapidly, stopping suddenly, slowing down while running, landing from a jump incorrectly, and direct contact or collision, such as a football tackle can also cause injury to the ACL. When you injure your ACL, you might hear a “popping” sound and you may feel as though the knee has given out. Within the first two hours after injury, your knee will swell, and you may have a buckling sensation in the knee during twisting movements.
Unlike many other ligaments in the body, the ACL does not have the ability to heal on its own. A thick liquid – called synovial fluid – reduces friction between the bones when you move your knee. As important as this fluid is for proper knee function, it also prevents the formation of blood clots that are critical for healing. As a result, ACL tears are often treated with surgery. The first innovation in ACL surgery in several decades is bridge-enhanced ACL restoration with the BEAR® Implant.
The BEAR Implant is the first medical advancement to enable your body to heal its own torn ACL. The implant is made of collagen and is resorbed by your body within eight weeks of surgery.
The BEAR Implant works with your own blood to heal the torn ends of your ACL back together. During the procedure, the ACL surgeon adds your own blood to the BEAR Implant and inserts it between the torn ends of your ACL. The implant holds and protects the blood to allow the formation of a clot. Over the next eight weeks, the BEAR Implant is resorbed by your body and replaced with native ACL tissue.
ACL tears are often treated with surgery called ACL reconstruction, also known as ACL replacement surgery. During ACL reconstruction, an orthopedic surgeon removes the torn ACL and replaces it with a graft from another part of the body (called an autograft) or a deceased donor (called an allograft). Although ACL reconstruction is effective, the procedure has drawbacks.
- ACL reconstruction:
- Standard of care proven to be safe and effective requires incision to harvest the graft; other work done arthroscopically requires graft harvest of patient’s own tendon or cadaver tissue is used remaining ACL tissue is removed
- BEAR Restoration:
- Use of an FDA-approved bridging scaffold to repair the torn ACL requires incision to insert scaffold; other work done arthroscopically no graft harvest of patient’s tendon remaining ACL tissue is preserved
- Helps your own ACL heal
- Retains normal anatomy and function of the knee
- Simple outpatient procedure
- Does not require a second surgical wound site to remove a healthy tendon from another part of your body or use of a deceased donor’s tendon
- Faster recovery of muscle strength
- Higher patient satisfaction with being ready to return to sports
The rehabilitation protocol for the BEAR Implant is different from ACL reconstruction, but overall recovery time is similar. Return to high levels of activity and sports is usually around nine months after surgery, which is similar to ACL reconstruction.
We hope you found this information helpful. Please let us know if we can be of service.
About Dr. Mora:

Dr. Mora is a Board Certified and Fellowship trained Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgeon as well as a founding partner of the state-of-the-art Restore Orthopedics and Spine Center in Orange County, CA.
His areas of expertise include the latest innovations in surgical and non-surgical techniques, with a focus on joint saving procedures rather than replacement when possible. Specific areas of interest are: Sports Trauma; Knee, Elbow, and Shoulder, Arthritis; and Regenerative Medicine.
Dr. Mora’s team can help coordinate out of town and international patients coming in for surgery here.
He specializes in:
- Sports Injury Treatment
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction of the Knee
- Rotator Cuff Tear Repair of the Shoulder
- Arthroscopy of the Elbow
- Arthritis of the Knee
- Chronic PecTear Reconstruction (The PecFlexFix Surgeon)
- Regenerative Medicine: Bone Marrow Cells and PRP Therapy
For a consult please call (714) 332-5498. Dr Mora is active on Instagram, feel free to send him a message @stevemoraMD
Follow Dr. Mora on Instagram and YouTube
Restore Orthopedics and Spine Center
1120 W. La Veta, #300
Orange CA 92868
Office: 714.332.5498