Shoulder Labral Repair Basic Concepts

Steve Mora MD Orange County Shoulder Specialist People sometimes compare us Orthopedic Surgeons to woodworkers. The similarities between us and woodworkers go well beyond hammers and drills. In order to be a successful shoulder arthroscopist one has to adhere to sound woodworking principles. When repairing torn structures such as the...

Shoulder Arthroscopy a Surgical Symphony

By Steve Mora MD Orange County Shoulder Specialist Shoulder Arthroscopy can be very challenging. Success depends on an infinite number of details. Everything from positioning, anesthetic, pump, portal trajectories, traction vectors, shavers, cautery and much more needs upmost attention. ▶️ It’s like an orchestra. Everyone has an important part! Not...

Chronic Tears of the Pectoralis Major Tendon

Steve Mora MD Orange County Shoulder Specialist Please click on Youtube link below to see the video. Dr Mora surgical video (WARNING: THIS IS A LIVE SURGICAL VIDEO. THERE WILL BE BLOOD) On the topic of Chronic Pectoralis Major Tendon Tears, most Pectoralis Major Tendon tears are usually treated within...

Surgical Treatment of Calcific Tendinitis and Rotator Cuff Tears- A Live Surgery Demonstration

By Steve Mora MD Orange County Shoulder Specialist Calcific tendinitis of the shoulder is a condition which usually presents with abrupt onset pain, stiffness and inflammation. It is a condition which involves the rotator cuff tendon. The pain is usually located over the outer and posterior aspect of the shoulder....

Chronic Pectoralis Major Tendon Tears – Do you really just have to live with it?

Chronic Pectoralis Major Tendon Tears Steve Mora MD Orange County Shoulder Specialist Chronic tears of the pectoralis major tendon present a unique problem for both the patient and the surgeon. Most chronic tears require a cadaver graft to bridge the gap between the torn stump and the bone. Because of...

Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery Shoulder Beautification Surgery

Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery Shoulder Beautification Surgery Steve Mora MD Orange County Shoulder Doctor Rotator Cuff tears of the shoulder can cause severe pain and weakness. When the rotator cuff tendon pulls off the bone, it will rarely heal. On the contrary, the torn tendon usually worsens with time. Patients...

What Can You Do About Night Time Shoulder Pain?

By Steve Mora MD Orange County Shoulder Specialist at Restore One of the most common complaints from my patients suffering with shoulder problems is "why does my shoulder hurt at night?" The pain can occur whether or not one lies on the painful shoulder, on the opposite side pr on...

How is Impingement and Rotator Cuff Tears Treated

How is Impingement and Rotator Cuff Tears Treated Steve A. Mora, MD Orange County Shoulder Specialist Introduction The term "Rotator Cuff" is used to describe the group of shoulder muscles and their tendons that helps control shoulder joint motion. The supraspinatus is at the top (superior) of the shoulder, the subscapularis...