Regenerative Medicine Prioritizing Your Best Interests "When choosing a physician to provide you treatment they need to put your interest ahead of theirs. The procedure is not the endpoint. The endpoint is your wellness" --Steve Mora MD. When Dr. Mora was a child living in Peru he was struck by...
What Does Arthritis Look Like ?
DOC, WHAT DOES ARTHRITIS LOOK LIKE? Steve Mora MD Orange County Knee Specialist I wish I could answer that question with just a couple of sentences. But I cannot. There is no easy way to answer this question. Arthritis is a degenerative condition of the joint which leads to numerous...
Knee Arthritis Treatment does not Always Equal Joint Replacement
By Steve Mora MD Orange County Arthrtis Specialist CAN YOU GUESS WHICH KNEE PICTURED BELOW HURTS? One of my patients recently came back to see me complaining of knee pain. He was having pain at night and stiffness. I had not seen him since I did a fat based stem...
Do You Wake Up in the Morning with Swollen and Stiff Hands?
By Steve Mora MD Orange County Orthopedic Surgeon Do You Wake Up with Swollen and Stiff Hands? When patients come to me for evaluation of knee, elbow or shoulder joint pain I will do a basic screening for rheumatoid arthritis. The question I ask is whether or not they experience...
Persistent Knee Pain after Knee Arthroscopy
Persistent Knee Pain after Knee Arthroscopy By Steve A. Mora, MD Orange County Knee Specialist You Had Knee Arthroscopy But Your Knee Still Hurts? I see patients with this situation on a daily basis. They are one of the most challenging groups. The usual scenario is one where a...
Exploring Platelet Rich Plasma and Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Arthritis and Injury
Regenerative Medicine: Exploring Platelet Rich Plasma and Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Treatment of Arthritis and Injury Introduction When Dr. Mora was a child his life was forever changed when he was struck by a bus while living in Peru. The bus mangled and crushed his legs. After...
Bike Modifications for the Patient with Arthritic Knee Stiffness
THE THINGS WE DO TO STAY FIT Steve Mora MD Orange County Knee Specialist Patients with a stiff knee have a difficult time cycling because they cannot get their knee to bend enough to properly pedal. In most cases a stiff knee is due to arthritis. These patients have to...